Directions to studio: 107 Hall Street between Park and Myrtle, one black West of Washington Avenue near the Navy Yard; (718)636-8608
FROM MANHATTAN: Easiest is BROOKLYN BRIDGE. Access from Chambers Street. First left when you reach the Brooklyn end of the bridge ramp - at left turn light - onto Tilllary. Stay on Tillary till it weaves underneath the elevated BQE - name changes to Park Ave. (veer to right to avoid going up ramp onto the BQE) . Go about ten blocks on Park till you come to a children’s playground on your right. It is between Washington and Hall. Turn Right on Hall. House is mid block, brown with white trim, #107. MANHATTAN BRIDGE: Access from CANAL street. Take 3rd Ave. south. It becomes Bowery. Eventually you will come to an intersection where you turn left through a large arch onto the Manhattan Bridge. If you use Manhattan Bridge you go on Flatbush (which is straight off the bridge) - to MYRTLE - the first legal left turn. Turn left on Myrtle and after a couple of blocks turn left off Myrtle and go to Park where you turn right and proceed along Park Avenue to Hall St. as above.
FROM BROOKLYN: Take Washington Avenue north till you see the elevated BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway) Do not pass under the elevated road. Turn Right on Park Avenue and immediately turn right again on Hall Street. Your marker is a newly renovated playground on your right around which you make the two right turns. House is on your left, mid block #107, brown with white trim.
FROM QUEENS: Use Exit 31 off the Brooklyn Queens Expressway (Westbound) Proceed 3 traffic lights without turns. Left on Hall Street underneath the elevated which is the first possible left turn after last light. #107 Hall is in first block, mid block on left, brown house with white trim.
SUBWAY:>br> FROM MANHATAN: Follow walking directions below after exiting the “G” train. FROM THE WEST SIDE: Use either the “A” or the “C” to Hoyt and Schermerhorn, the 3rd stop in Brooklyn, where you change to the “G” train on the same platform going the same direction and go two stops to Clinton and Washington. Be at front of train. Follow walking directions below.
FROM 14TH St. EAST OR WEST side, use the Canarsie Line “L” Train (pick it up at 1st or 3rd, Union Sq., 6th or 8th Aves.) Go to Metropolitan and Lorimer, second stop in Brooklyn, where you go down ramp to “G” Train. Go to far stair where it says “Smith and 9th St.” which is downtown Brooklyn bound train. Be on back of train (immediately as you enter platform itself) and exit at Washington end of Clinton and Washington Avenue stop.
FROM MID TOWN EAST To get to a “G” train use IRT Trains #4, 5 & 6 are on the Lexington Ave. Line to 42ND St. at Lexington Avenue, change to an “7” to Court Square and change there to the “G” train going to Brooklyn. You have to follow signs through some corridors etc. to the on the “G” tgrain. Be at Back of “G” train. Go to Clinton and Washington Avenue and follow walking directions after exiting the train onto Washington Ave. You can get “E” or the “F” elsewhere in town as well.
FROM THE UPPER EAST SIDE (59th and Lexington Ave.): To get to a “G” train use IRT Trains #4, 5 & 6 are on the Lexington Ave. Line to 42ND St. at Lexington Avenue, change to an “7” to Court Square Van Alst 21st St. interchange and change there to the “G” train going to Brooklyn. You have to follow signs through some corridors etc. Be at Back of “G” train. Exit via Washington Ave. End of platform and follow walking directions below.
FROM QUEENS: Take G Train towards Brooklyn (Smith and 9th St. direction) to Clinton and Washington Ave. Be on back of train and exit at Washington end of station and follow walking directions below.
FROM BROOKLYN: “G” Train towards Queens, be on front of train and exit Washington Ave. Follow walking directions below.
BUSES: #54., starts at Jay St. and Boro Hall, (It’s the Myrtle Ave. bus to Ridgewood) : Take it to to Washington Ave., (Kum Kau Chinese Restaurant with red signs and awnings on left side of Myrtle at Washington) Get off there and walk one block east (same direction) to Hall, turn left on Hall and look for 107 on the right side of the street. BUS: #54., starts at Jay St. and Boro Hall, (It’s the Myrtle Ave. bus to Ridgewood) :. Exit the "A" train station at the back of the train and go upstairs and onto the street. The bus stops are at the beginning of the Myrtle esplanade across from the Hotel. Take #54 to to Washington Ave., (Kum Kau Chinese Restaurant with red signs and awnings on left side of Myrtle at Washington) Get off there and walk one block east (same direction) to Hall, turn left on Hall and look for 107on the right side of the street. #69 (follows Vanderbilt Ave. and Prospect Park West) to Myrtle, walk 4 blocks away from downtown to Hall St. #57 on Flusing Ave., to Washington Ave., walk on Washisngton away from the Navy Yard to Park, turn left, go one block to Hall, turn right on Hall along playground. #61 from Jay St./Boro Hall comes out Park to block between Washington and Hall.
WALKING DIRECTONS FROM THE ‘G’TRAIN SUBWAY STOP: Exit at the Washington Ave. end of the Clinton and Washington station. Orient yourself towards Myrtle Avenue by using white brick church. Washington Avenue runs along long side (window side) of white brick church. Walk in that direction on Washington Avenue. 3 blocks on Washington, right on Myrtle, one block on Myrtle to Hall, left on Hall; House #107, brown with white trim, mid block, right side.